Wednesday 20 May 2020

Corin - The Best of the Best

#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #StaySafe

Corin always knew he was a genius. It came from being a part of a small family of only 172 brothers and sisters. At least, that was his take on things. Having such a tight-knit family meant he got to know all his siblings intimately.

He learned everything from them.
So when the village was looking for a wise man, they looked no further than Corin – ‘The Best of the Best’ as he was usually called.

His favourite writer and poet was Robert Burns. Corin had found his collection of poems in a pile of books that had been thrown out by the other-world. Funnily enough, his two favourite books were titles that originated from Burns’poems: ‘Of Mice and Men’ written by John Steinbeck, and ‘Catcher in the Rye’ by J.D.Salinger. My how he loved to read those.

He was the village doctor, detective, encyclopedia, singer, poet, and cook. There wasn’t much Corin couldn’t do. Well, except for playing football, he was pretty awful at that.
The first big test that Corin faced right after he was made the ‘best-of-the-best’, was the day that Suzie Tumbleweed found herself at the lowest point in her life.

The Warren had been in a lockdown situation since the news that myxomatosis (a virus) was on the rise again and it was Corin’s job to patrol the area keeping a lookout for sick animals.

Suzie was at the end of her rope and had been talking about walking out into the Fox’s Lair and finishing whatever this thing called existence was.
“It would mean certain death,” Corin told her in a kind yet stern voice.
“I realise that but what is the point of living if all I do is hide in this hole waiting for the virus to get me? There doesn’t seem much point in being alive.”

Corin hummed and hawed, and then he walked this way and that way. Up and down. Side to side. 

Finally, he coughed and muttered ‘dear, dear, dear’, then he talked to Suzie.
“I realise you are tired and fed up with this turn that living has taken in the Warren. We all are, to be honest. Some days I am happy, and many days I am sad, but I would never walk off into the Fox’s Lair. Never.”
“That is what my mother did,” said Suzie.
“And that left you sad, did it not?” Said Corin.

Suzie nodded.
Corin continued,”what you seriously have to think about – is the other lives you would be taking with you?”

“And who would those be?” Asked Suzie.
“Why they are all of you, of course. No one is the same creature from year to year. It is said by the wisest of rabbits that we shed our skin and bodies, and by the time we pass, we are not physically the same creature as when we were born. Each year we see new things, new lives, new loves, new hopes, and yes, new skin. Who is to say that the person you become in two more years would not be happy and looking forward to life? What I am saying is, Suzie – if you do take that walk into the Fox’s Lair, you will taking with you all the future souls you might have become – souls that regretted the decision you made to go for that walk. You will not only kill yourself but all the other you’s that would have loved to have breathed and been alive. To have hoped and cared. This decision is only about the rabbit you are now. Nothing more.”

Suzie started to weep, and Corin kindly held her.

“I will leave that thought with you my precious little rabbit. Be happy.”
And Corin continued on his way being the best-of-the-best.

bobby stevenson 2020

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