Tuesday 20 April 2021




I know you wonder from that place you stand,

In the far undiscovered country,

Why I mention your name so often,

In conversations, in stories, in laughter, and in hopes,

It’s because I know that a person dies twice,

Once, when their heart stops beating,

And the second time,

When someone mentions their name,

For the very last time.

bobby stevenson 2021

Sunday 11 April 2021



Be happy, I mean it.

One day what you thought were troubles

Will only be a piece of grit in the ointment.

Be happy now.

Honestly, what you think of as problems

Are only because the rest of your

Life is working out.

You can’t have everything all the time.

Be happy. Smile. Be strong.

One day something else will own your smile.

Be happy now. 


bobby stevenson 2021

A Perfect Place To Be

Another new morning in Deal. I haven’t checked the telephone, and I sure as hell haven’t switched on the TV with all that news.   So I lie t...