Buzz is my best friend in the whole world and as stupid as something that's really,really stupid.
1. Just Me and Buzz
Sunday evening with a yellow sky and me and Buzz are standing
underneath this concrete roof. It’s got no walls. So you’re asking how
does it stay up? That’s just what I said to Buzz: it’s so freekin’
We seriously need some protection as the rain is hurting. It hits the floor then bounces on to our legs. Man that hurts.
I’ve just
had one of those days that comes without warning, the type where for the
shortest of short times, you don’t feel down or depressed or nothing
like that. I’m like that roof being held up by something I can’t see;
again, freekin' crazy.
love those days but they never make an appointment, so usually I ain’t
ready for them; which is a pity, ‘cause if I knew it was coming I’d be
standing waiting in some real nice room.
is talking but I ain’t listening, I nod and smile but for all I know he
could be telling me that my bits are on fire. I just don’t listen to
anyone but I tell you this, if they don’t listen to me then I get real
pissed. You’re saying ‘hey Jay boy, that ain’t fair, one rule for you
and another for Buzz’. To be honest with you I can’t really argue that
point, it’s like, I was made this way – real selfish like.
can smell some kind-a meat grilling just floating in on the air and I
feel the saliva in my mouth dancing the cha-cha. It’s been three days
since we last ate, but we ain’t complaining, no sireee ‘cause up until
then, me and Buzz have been the luckiest sonofabitches this side of
get sweet patches, it’s in the contract when you’re sliding thru’ that
hole of your mama’s. It says sometimes your life is gonna stink and
sometimes your life is going smell sweet as…well you decide. I ain’t
deciding what is sweet to one man’s nose as he might just say ‘Jay boy,
that ain’t what gets me shaking’ and I’d have to agree with him. Ain’t
no man gonna tell me what makes me shake.
if I ran up that hill over there and looked down on my life, well I
guess I’d have to say that, all in all, I have had more good times than
bad – and that’s the god’s honest truth. May you strike Buzz down if I’m
other thing I’m thinking is that all you need in this life is one good
friend and you don’t need no others – hell, they all end up being a
poorer shade of your one friend anyhow. Buzz would die for me - now
don’t get me wrong, I ain’t exactly put that to the test but I would say
on balance that if it was me or him, he’d volunteer.
Which makes him kind-a stupid, and you’d be right, because when all is said and done, the best kind-a friend is a stupid one.
I’m gonna stop here but I promise to write soon. It’s just that Buzz is trying to set himself alight.
I didn’t think he’d do it, I kid you not, and hell if that ain’t ten bucks worth I owe him.
pappy left home only a day or two before Buzz’s fifth birthday and if I
can re-call all that way back, his pappy told folks he was real ashamed
that he couldn’t support his family and then disappeared to Tijuana
with a flamenco dancer.
Somehow I don’t think it was his family he wanted to give his support to.
day he left, me and Buzz were fishin’ down by Pastor’s Creek which sits
next to the Big River which flows all the way to the coast. We always
talked of taking a raft to the sea but like most things we talk about,
it never did happen; least ways not yet.
I’m shootin’ off here - so on the day that his pappy left, Buzz asked
me where the tide went, as it was way out on this side of the Big River.
Me being me, told Buzz that it went to the other side.
explained to Buzz that when it was low tide on this side it was high
tide on the other. He took my word without question. He just gave one of
those – that seems right to me – nods and went on with his fishin’; not
another care or another word - that’s why I love Buzz like a brother.
Now I
ain’t stupid, not like Buzz and I knows the real god’s honest may I spit
on your hand and hope to die truth - just like my grandmama told me.
She said there’s a big hole under the river where the water runs through
to the other side of the world – kind-a like that sand in an egg-timer –
like the one our teacher with the bad teeth from England showed us
all the river water goes through their holes, the world turns upside
down and it becomes night for some and day for others. Then the water
comes back down the holes and we turn over again. If that ain’t the
simplest explanation, then I don’t know what is.
My grandmama always had a big smile on her face when she told me that one. I guess I’ll tell Buzz the truth one of these days.
pappy never did head back up this way, but I did hear that the flamenco
dancer once drove through town in a big red Cadillac – although this
town is always full of stories like that.
You just ain’t sure what to believe.
always wanted to be a movie star and so from a real young age, he got
to practising. Not with anything sensible like acting, that would have
been too clever, no – he got practising with signing his autograph.
“You got to start somewhere” was what he told me.
people on Main Street saw Buzz coming their way they used to cross over
just to avoid him. Buzz put it down to folks being overwhelmed with his
natural good looks.
If ya
didn’t avoid him, before you knew it, Buzz would be staring into your
face and asking if you wanted his autograph. Everyone and I mean
everyone in town, had several copies of Buzz’s signature.
remember seeing the minister walking to church one Sunday morning with
Buzz’s writing on that white bit of the collar they wear. How Buzz got
it there, God only knows (and he probably does).
“I’m a good looking kid and if they don’t want me to act in their movies, then they don’t know what they’re missing.”
Saturday Buzz decided he’d do just that – show them what they were
missing, that is. That weekend the weather was real toasting and Buzz
got me to borrow (borrow without askin’) my granddaddy’s movie camera.
“I kinda see myself as a cowboy, don’t ya think?” I just nodded, hell it was best to just go along with anything Buzz said.
ain’t sure where Buzz got the gun from, but I do remember a story a
while back about Buzz’s uncle Joshua who was thrown in jail for holding
up a burger joint. Somehow the store owner convinced his uncle Joshua to
take some French fries and a soda rather than the contents of the money
drawer. Still, he went to jail all the same. I don’t remember any gun
being used but I guess that’s where Buzz got it.
wanted me to be the baddy and the plan was for me to walk down Main
Street and pretend to call him out; cussing and saying he was a coward.
Then Buzz would come out of the saloon (it was really Mrs Bat’s Craft
Shop) and challenge me to a shoot out in the street.
I was the one that was to get shot; Buzz felt that a man about to make his mark in the movies shouldn’t take the bullet.
I guess you should really check if a gun is loaded or not.
just saying, as it would have saved a lot of trouble. I’ve never seen a
grown man being shot in the bee-hind before but Samuel Brooks hollered
and screamed like the world was coming to an end. It was only a bullet
in the butt, what was the big problem?
Brooks wanted to hang Buzz right there and then, the way they did with
her Daddy years back. I guess two people don’t make a lynch mob, but it
scared the hell out of me all the same.
was hauled in front of Judge Pickering and folks were telling me that
Buzz would probably get the electric chair or something. At the time (I
was young then) I thought giving someone an electric chair was a real
strange thing to do. Where would ya keep it?
Anyway a lot of people were saying that Buzz came from a real bad family, didn’t he have an uncle who’d stolen diamonds?
Funny, how French fries get exaggerated like that.
I had filmed the whole thing and we were allowed to show it in court.
The judge said it was okay to show a movie. Some folks brought in
popcorn. From the movie, you could see that as Buzz was pulling the
trigger, he shut his eyes and didn’t really mean to hit anyone. At the
end of the movie some of Buzz’s family started clapping – so Buzz got up
and took a bow.
Which I have to say was pretty cool. Buzz started
waving, movie star like, to the folks upstairs in the gallery.
As I left the courthouse that day, I saw Buzz up at the bench giving Judge Pickering his autograph.
4. Growin'
night, me and Buzz were lying out back in his mama’s yard just hanging.
We wanted to go hiking across the top of Yellow Ridge but his mama was
having none of it. Since Buzz’s pappy had gone, she was feared people
coming to her house and stealing things; to be honest with you, his mama
had nothing worth stealing.
there we were looking at the stars, we must have been about five years
old and right there and then I convinced my friend that the fireflies
were little people and the lights were their little city. I kind-a
guessed back then that Buzz wasn’t gonna be no Einstein.
Buzz would tell you that he’s a gnat’s wing taller than me but he ain’t
telling the truth. All thru’ schooling he was always the small one - I
guess he thought back to the fireflies and was hoping that he wasn’t the
smallest thing on this here planet.
between you and me and the kitchen stove, I was always the first between
me and Buzz to feel the rain, I swear on a stack of bibles that’s true.
one day he grew more than me and I was kind-a suspicious until I check
and see he’s been messin’ with his boots, stuffin’ them with old socks
so he looks taller.
In his naked feet he still ain’t bigger than a grasshopper – I tell ya he could look one right in the eye.
swear that boy has an inferiority complex, at least ways that’s what
Stevie (the cleverest kid in school) told me. Not too sure what it
day Buzz says to me ‘Jay, ain’t it time we headed over to Duchess County
a spell’ and of course I asked him if that was where all the short kids
went these days.
said nothing until his fist hit my face. He was that quick that I didn’t
see nothin’ till it was right there on the end of my nose - which was
now as flat as Corry Mitchin’s chest.
course I ain’t for hittin’ my best friend, on account that he’s so
stupid – no sir, so I did what anyone would do, I threw his boots into
the river. Even the Sunday preacher would have said I had a right.
No man should put a fist to his best friend’s nose.
keeps saying that on account of his good looks – only his mama told him
that – that maybe we should think of headin’ out west to California.
I drag him to the old barber shop to show him on the Civil War map that hangs on the wall there, how far it is.
says, ‘it can’t be more than 11 or 12 inches at most’ and that wasn’t
too far - from where he was standing. Can you believe my best friend,
just how stupid he is?
So the upshot is, me and Buzz are heading out west just as soon as he finds another pair of boots.
Guess he’s scared he might get beaten up by the grasshoppers on the way there.
5. Drivin'
When Buzz was about ten years old, he stole my Daddy’s car.
minute he was askin’ me where the keys were hangin’ and the next, he’s
starting the engine up. If my name ain’t Jay then call me a liar ‘cause I
swear that he just started her up and took off. He didn’t look back.
I ran
after him and just as he turned the corner, I jumped in the back with my
legs all flappin’ in the air and my head stuck under the seat.
“You okay?” Shouts Buzz
think so” but I have to be honest with you, the blood was running to my
head so bad, I thought my eyes were going to pop out. I really did.
Then he slammed the brakes on and I nearly went shooting out the side of the car. I ain’t lying, I mean as if I would do that.
When I
sat in the front, Buzz stuck two pieces of paper up my nose to stop the
bleeding and that seemed to do the trick. That was when he told me of
his idea. Seems, I had been mighty hard on Buzz judging him like I did,
he wasn’t stealin’ the car. No sir, what was happenin’ was that me and
him were going to see some of the world. I mean, did I think he was
stupid or somethin’?
“Nah, I ton’t tink you toopid.“ With the paper up my nose I was talking all funny like.
reckoned that ten years of age was just about the right time for a boy
to ripen into a man and make something of himself. So Buzz just hit that
gas tap and we flew outta town. Now you know what I think of Buzz, he
really is as stupid as the day is long but when it comes to cars, well I
guess a man has to have one thing he’s good at. Well two, if you count
the fact that Buzz says he’s good at lookin’ good as well.
You know full well that Buzz is always claimin’ to be taller than me even though he ain’t.
although Buzz could stop the car, or make it go quicker, he could only
do one or the other on account of his legs not really reaching the
pedals properly.
“You’re goin’ fatter.” I was hollering at him.
“Stop goin’ so fat.”
I will
tell you here and now and I may I be turned into a toad, if I’m lying. I
wasn’t scared, honest injuns, I wasn’t. I just didn’t want my Daddy’s
car all crashed.
I don’t know if Buzz’s feet were stuck but that car wasn’t goin’ to halt in a month of Sundays.
“Top it.”
“Can’t you top it?”
that was an impossibility and we shot through Dead Man’s Creek in the
blink of an eye. We barely made it around the bend into Schummann’s Road
when Buzz kinda lost control and the car flew over the grass and into
the Park where the Daughters of the Revolution were holding their weekly
When those ladies saw Buzz headin’ straight for them, they all dived into bushes and two even ended up in the creek.
“Tolly” I shouted back at them but I don’t think it did any good ‘cause they were real mad.
At the
far end of the Park is Sad Sadie’s Sarsaparilla Drinking Emporium. It’s
real popular with the kids when they just want to hang out.
“Top. Top, you gonna hat the tore”
“Get ready Bud, I think we might just hit the store” said Buzz.
We didn’t just hit it - we went through it taking with us every flavor of ice cream that you could imagin’.
Sad Sadie dived off to the left to avoid being squashed in the crushed nuts drawer.
“Tolly.” I shouted but I don’t think she was listenin’.
Then we hit the fountain and that was when we came to a stop.
As the cops were taking Buzz away, he just hollered back at me “We’re men, Jay.”
I guess we were.
When my father came to collect us from the police station, the sarsaparilla was still runnin’ down my nose.
6. Flyin'
first time that me and Buzz attempted to fly, Buzz broke his arm in two
places: in the yard and on the driveway. Yeh, Buzz didn’t think that
joke was funny either. Now you’re going back to read it again in case
you missed something ‘cause you didn’t think it was so funny.
truth of the matter is that Buzz’s arm was good and busted all because
he tried to fly from the roof of my house to the roof of Mister
Mister H was the man who ate children or
so the story went. We’d tried to have a look in his windows but he
always kept all his curtains closed except for the attic windows and
they were too high to get at, unless you got on to his roof.
“I know what I’ll do, I’ll fly” was Buzz’s suggestion, with a real proud look on his face. He had thought of it all by himself.
“You’ll fly to the top of Mister H’s house?”
“What you gonna use, a jet pack?”
I’ve already thought of this. I’ll find a place that’s higher than the
Child-eater’s and I glide over and land on his roof.”
Buzz really thought about this all by himself then I’m sure the world is
coming to an end or he ain’t tellin’ the whole truth. He’s probably
seen the whole thing on Scooby Doo or something.
never was any proof that Mister H was actually eating any kids on
account that no one had disappeared or anything but that didn’t stop the
stories. You know how it is? You get the rep for eating kids and it
just doesn’t go away. I mean Buzz has got a rep for being really stupid
but I have to tell you, he worked really hard at that rep and deserves
making this all sound as if Buzz had come up with an idea that was as
reliable as the day is long. To be honest he had had several other
really bad ideas. Last Easter, he tried to climb up the pipes to Mister
H’s roof but there was a bird’s nest about three quarter ways up and
those little kiddy birds started peckin’ at Buzz’s face. You know Buzz
hates anyone touchin’ his face so he tried to shoo them away and that’s
when he let go. Luckily he fell into a bush and didn’t do any real
damage although the pipe was hanging at a weird angle.
June time, Buzz tried to lasso a rope around one of Mister H’s
chimneys. He got the rope on to one of the corner ones - the kind that
crash to the ground real hard when you pull on them, especially with a
boy and a rope hanging off them.
could say Buzz escaped with his life, which is more than can be said for
Mister Huckerby’s pride and joy, his car. It was all smashed up. I
think he thinks that the street was hit with a tornado that day.
guess I never really asked Buzz until just now what he was going to do
when he landed on the roof. Was he gonna rescue the kids? Or what?
“I’m gonna look in that attic window.”
“Then what?”
“Not sure.”
Buzz strapped a kite to each arm and he reckoned this was gonna let him glide from our roof and across the street.
“Even if you do make his roof Buzz, how are you gonna get down?”
Ain’t it just dandy how the world and even the laws of physics belong to the really stupid?
“Fine” I said, but by which I meant so many other things.
wanted me to stand at the front of my house when he did eventually jump.
I’ve no idea what he expected me to do – catch him?
“You can help me...” he shouted.
“Navigate?” I shouted back.
“Give me directions” he shouted.
Buzz stood at the edge of the roof and started flappin’ his arms and I
tell you, I nearly let some pee out, I laughed so hard. He just looked
completely stupid. Like a bird that had its behind set alight.
He counted down and shouted that I should count with him.
“10,9,8....” He was still flappin’ and I was still keeping my legs crossed in case I pee’d again.
we got to zero and he jumped and what do ya know? He kinda glided, not
as far as Mister H’s roof but to the tree in front of his house. That
was where Buzz got stuck until we called the fire engine folks over at
Toolaville. I think some of them tried to stop from laughing as well. I
could see tears running down the Chief’s face.
It took us about 3 hours to free him and his wings and he was fine - surprisingly.
As for
the broken arm, it was as he crossed the street and into my driveway
that he stood on the skateboard and that’s when it happened. He broke
his arm on the drive way, got up and then stood on the skateboard again
and broke his arm again in my yard.
I swear to the almighty I had to run all the way to the toilet as I nearly pee’d myself again, what with all that laughin’.
7. Girls
remember the first time that Buzz fell in love. It was with a pretty
girl called Sally Watson. Buzz had just hit thirteen years of age and
his hormones were fit to be tied. I mean those things were running
around his body and making him feel all sorts of things – good and bad.
Watson and her family had blown in from Minnesota the previous month and
had caused ructions all along Main Street, one way and another.
father had come to our little part of the world to ‘help his career’ -
apparently he was a banker or something. Sally’s mother was the kind of
woman who’d step on you to get somewhere else – I don’t mean to talk
unkindly of the woman but she was real mean and ambitious. So Buzz
hanging about their door wasn’t the kind of thing they were looking for.
I reckon if
Mister Watson had got it into his head to buy a gun then
Buzz would be picking the pellets out of his bee-hind. I kid you not.
“I have just seen the most beautiful girl in the world,” was what he said that Wednesday.
a vision,” said Buzz. Let me tell you with a hand on my heart that Buzz
never, ever said things like that before the hormones went crazy like.
Buzz shrugged his shoulders, ate a couple of my mom’s cookies and then remembered he was in love and a gave out a huge sigh.
“I am in love,” he said after lying down on my sofa.
“I hope it ain’t catchin’,” I said, not wanting to have to lie on people’s sofas or anythin’.
“She’s an angel.”
“Who?” I said again, remembering that he hadn’t told me nothin’.
new girl, the one whose family have moved into number seventeen, the
house at the top of the hill, the one nearest Heaven,” he said. I kid
you not, that’s what he said. Buzz, newly turned thirteen and he’s
talking like....well a crazy kid.
asked him if he had swallowed somethin’ real bad and Buzz said that it
was just the breath of love. My stomach nearly dumped my breakfast on
the sofa beside Buzz ‘cause that kind of talk makes a man feel kinda
sick. I kid you not.
I left
Buzz on the sofa to get better and went and played Cowboys and Injuns
with the Hardy Twins who were only twelve and immune from love.
next day I was walking to the Harper's place, up on Indian Ridge and I
spots Buzz sitting outside the Watson's house, doing nothing else but
looking at their windows with his hands under his chin and sighing. No
idea why he kept sighing but he seemed to like it.
“You okay?” I asked.
He just nodded his head and wouldn’t turn to look at me, he just kept on looking at the house.
“She’s in there. My angel,” said Buzz.
It was then that Mister Watson stormed out the house and came up to me, real angry like.
you related to this lunatic?” Mister Watson screamed, putting his face
so close to mine that I could see the hairs up his nose.
“No sir, he’s my best friend in the whole world.”
“Do you know that friend of yours has been sitting outside our house all night,” said Mister Watson.
“I did not sir, but surely he ain’t causing trouble?” I said.
think? At least not until your lunatic friend started singing at 3 in
the morning, at the top of his voice. What have you got to say to that?”
Man was he angry.
I said
that I didn’t know that Buzz could sing and that was when Mister Watson
started chasin’ me down the hill. That man could run fast when he was
following morning I just happen to be looking out of my bedroom window
getting ready for church when I saw Buzz getting chased up Main Street
by Mister Watson in his Sunday best. Mister Watson that is, Buzz didn’t
have a Sunday best.
I reckon the path of true love ain’t that easy as that English guy said, or maybe it was the Bible, I ain’t too sure.
didn’t really see Buzz over the next two weeks, except when he was being
chased by Mister Watson. I hung out with the rest of the town’s kids
who were all safe from this love thing.
remember that warm Saturday evening down by the stream, I saw Buzz
sitting under the large Southern Magnolia. I thought he was laughin’ but
he wasn’t, as I got closer I sees that he was cryin’ real hard.
“What’s up?”
“She loves another.”
“Sally Watson. She says she loves Jesus and she ain’t got time for me,” said Buzz, who was real heartbroken.
“What you gonna do?” I asked.
And he told me that he hadn’t a darned clue what he was going to do as there was no way he could compete with Jesus.
guess he got that one right. The next day he came around to my place to
eat all our food- like he usually did but he looked a darned sight
I asked him if he had decided what to do about Sally Watson and he said:
8. Groovy
When me and Buzz were about 15 years old, Buzz turned to me one day and told me, straight in the eye like, that he had ‘an itchen’ for a hitchen’.
“Let’s hitch right across the country to... well, the end,” said Buzz not sure where the end of the country was.
“Then what?” I asked just to see what he’d say. “Why then we’ll come back again, groovy boy.”
problem was that Buzz had started reading books, comics mostly, but
there was one book in particular that he’d taken to - a book about being
out on the road and discovering the real old tracks of this great
country and it kind-a hit a nerve with old Buzz.
started wearing a beret and calling everything and everyone ‘groovy’,
something Mrs Mitchell, our teacher, didn’t take too kindly.
“Shakespeare isn’t groovy, Buzz. Now sit down and take that stupid hat off.”
No one could tell Buzz that Shakespeare wasn’t one of the grooviest beat-nicks to come out of England.
reckoned if we got to hitchhike at least 20 miles a day, then by the end
of the year we’d be.......well, pretty far away from town. He got that
started to grow his hair real long and Pastor Simmons used to mention
in his Sunday sermon about boys who looked like girls ‘cause of their
hair and everyone in the congregation turned and looked at Buzz, who was
sleeping with his beret over his eyes.
morning at Sunday school, the teacher asked what word could describe
Jesus and Buzz stuck his hand up right away. I was wishing that he
wouldn’t say what he was going to say but he did.
He had to stand in front of the whole congregation the following Sunday and apologise to God for calling his son groovy.
By the
time the summer came, Me and Buzz were ready for the hitchen. Buzz
couldn’t make up his mind which direction we should start to hitch. So
one Thursday, he said we could decide by following the way the wind
blew; however that day would have meant us hitchen right through
Tasker’s slaughterhouse, into the Hotel La Boomba and finishing up at
the school hall before we even got outta town.
day would come and each day Buzz couldn’t or wouldn’t decide which was
the best direction outta town. It got so bad that it made me say
somethin’ I didn’t wanna, but it had to be said.
“Are you sure you wanna go hitchen, Buzz?” There I said it right in his face.
you crazeee?” He hollered but I knew Buzz and he said ‘crazeee’ a
little too crazy like - which made me think he was hiding something.
“I ain’t crazy, Buzz, I don’t think you want to go a-hitchen.”
he came out with the truth - right there and then - and said he’d read a
book called War of The Worlds and that he was thinking that maybe we
could go to Mars instead.
slapped my old pal on the back and said that sounded like a real good
plan and as I looked back at his house I saw his maw in the back yard
wearing Buzz’s old beret.
9. Geetars
night over by Cripple Creek when Buzz was working as a Bus Boy in Mama
Leone’s Fish Factory, I went by to see how things were doing.
place was dead, I mean real dead, I mean as dead as Jimmy Manson wanting
to play quarterback after that photo of him dressed as Shirley Temple
went around the team; that dead.
“S’up?” I said to old Buzz.
just looked real bored, he’d heard the door open thought it was a
customer and then he had to find out it was only me. Okay, he was happy
to see me an’ all but I sure wasn’t going to tip him, not like a real
boney fidey customer would.
need money,” says Buzz to me as if that was news to anyone. “I mean real
money, I wanna start a musical band with geetars and stuff.”
that was the first I’d heard of Buzz and the geetar thing. Sometimes it
is hard just to keep up with his ideas, he has so many, then he gets
tired from having all these thoughts and he just goes to sleep. That’s
the way it was back then, Buzz sleeping even in the middle of the day.
be in the band too,” he says to me as if I could play something. But
let’s just say it out here and now, Buzz didn’t know the first thing
about any musical instrument – so who was going to play what in the band
- was just a moot point.
“Buzz, we can’t play anything,” I says to him stating the obvious.
“Didn’t stop the big New York bands,” he says right back at me.
“I think, you’ll find it did, Buzz,” I says to him.
then the Mayor and his latest lil’ girlfriend sashayed in to try some
of Mama Leone’s fish and that was the end of our talk, especially since
the Mayor was well known as a BT in eating circles (a big tipper).
never mentioned nothin’ about the band again – least ways not for a
while until the night we were sharing a soda at the railway tunnel and
he says ‘I’ve bought a geetar.”
Well you could have run me over with the next cargo train bound for the coast, I was that shocked.
“You what?” I had to be sure I had heard what I had heard.
So he said he’d not really bought a guitar but found it in a dump truck right behind the old jazz club on Washington Avenue.
“Musta cost a pretty penny, that’s for sure, Hawkeye,” said Buzz. I asked him who Hawkeye was and he said:
“Why that’s your new name in the band,” he says to me without even a hint of joking in his voice.
“Yup and mine is Running Wolf,” he said with a, ‘I thought all this up myself’, smile on his face.
say some stooped things, Buzz but that has got to be the stoopidist in
the history of stooopid things and that saying somethin’.”
told me if I didn’t like it that I could ‘skedaddle’ as there were
plenty more fish in the sea (I guess he had been working at Mama Leone’s
a little too long) and that I had never shown any signs of being a
geetar player anyhoo.
So we
parted pretty badly that night with me shouting “Run away, Running Wolf”
and thinking it was clever at the time when it was just plain
next time I saw Buzz was a couple of weeks later when he was playing his
geetar on the corner of Vine and Stanford. There was one string on the
geetar and he was pluckin’ it within an inch of its life. He was singing
real loud to make up for the lack of music. When I say singing.....well
I reckon you can work that out for yourselves.
I looked in the hat he’d placed on the sidewalk and it had a 5 bits already in it.
“Buzz,” I said.
“What?” he said.
“Who gave you the 5 bits?” I asked.
he looked real red in the face and I knew he’d put it there himself and
it was most likely a tip from the Mayor or his latest lil’ girlfriend.
“How’s things?” I asked.
“Not good, not good at all,” he said with a real sad face. “People just keep walking by.”
right there and then I decided to help my bestest pal in the whole world
and did a lil’ monkey dance to accompany the song. Before you knows it,
all the folks in town were throwing money in the hat and shouting
‘dance monkey boy, dance.”
By sundown we’d made nearly a dollar, a whole dollar just for dancin’ and singing.
As we
walked up towards Cripple Creek I asked Buzz what we should do with the
money and he said: “it’s going in my fund to help when I run for
President of these, here United States.”
I reckon he probably will and all.
10. The Roadsmen
Buzz kind-a discovered money late in life and I don’t mean as some type of granddaddy who found a box of cash in the back yard.
I mean
that as a kid he’d never really had the need for money, ‘cause - as he
was always tellin’ people - Buzz lived off his God-given personality and
his killer good looks.
As far
as I can remember, Buzz’s first real job was running errands for Mrs
Trudy Spencer who ran a little haven from life’s troubles. It was called
The House and it sat comfortably at the bottom of Ferdinand Street.
called it The House but the whole town knew what went on there. If you
needed it, Mrs Trudy Spencer would sell it to you.
was probably about fourteen years old at the time but he looked way
older. No one would ask him how old he was, as it was always assumed he
was eighteen. Under the cover of darkness Buzz would carry packages to
and from The House.
remember the first time Buzz took me along on a trip. He got to the
kitchen door at the back of The House, then knocked in a series of
complicated codes.
No one knocked back but as I found out later, that
was because Buzz had made the knocking codes up himself and of course
inside they knew it was him and didn’t bother answering the door.
I asked Buzz what was in the packages and you know what he told me? He said it was ‘hooch’.
“Good old hooch made up on the hills by the Roadsmen,” Buzz told me.
No one
ever really knew or met the Roadsmen. They were those people who did
all the things that other people should have got blamed for. Even the
bad weather was blamed on them.
“That rain was caused by the Roadsmen and their fires,” my uncle once told me when it ruined his daughter’s wedding.
To be
honest I thought the package was a bit on the small side for hooch, so
when Buzz went in to talk to Mrs Spencer, I had a peek into the package
and it was just plain sarsaparilla for the high rollin’ customers who
called The House , a home.
I wasn’t gonna tell my pal, I just let him think he was someone that the Feds would be interested in talking to.
Buzz would get paid in goods for his troubles. Tonight he had received chocolates and two pairs of nylon stockings.
“Give them to yer Ma,” Mrs Trudy Spencer had told Buzz “I hear she could do with a good man in her life.”
I can
just imagine that Buzz would have looked hurt at that point as he was
the man in his Ma’s life, the man of the house. I don’t think that was
what Mrs Trudy Spencer was really talking about.
night we lay on the hill overlooking town and ate the chocolates. We
both wore the stockings over our faces and decided that maybe we would
keep them for the day when we needed to rob a bank.
“Why would we rob a bank?” I asked Buzz.
“In case we needed the money,” he told me.
“We ain’t got money and we’re happy.”
know, but maybe.....” then he stopped and I could hear his brain
working....”yeh but day we’ll get money and then we’ll lose
it and then we’ll want to get some more.”
lay back real pleased with himself about that explanation and then
pulled his nylon stocking disguise back over his chocolate covered face.
He did have a point, one day we would have money and I’m sure we’d miss
it if it went away.
rest of the summer Buzz delivered the ‘illicit goods’ to The House (by
that I mean, the sarsaparilla I’ve already mentioned, empty bottles, old
newspapers, table cloths – you get what I’m saying?) The cops didn’t
want to talk to Buzz, no matter what he thought.
save on time and expense, at the start of each week Buzz would pick up
some of the packages and store them in a hidey-hole in his back yard.
Then each night he’d take some of the stuff over to Mrs Spencer’s.
One night he comes screaming around to my place.
“They’re gone,” he shouted. “Gone!”
“What’s gone?”
“The hooch,” said Buzz. “Someone’s stolen Mrs Trudy Spencer’s property.”
I rubbed my chin, as you do in these circumstances, then we both looked at each other and at the same time we said:
“The Roadsmen!”
Roadsmen were known to steal everything and anything, even kids. I
remember my Ma saying to me that if I didn’t behave (or Beeee-have was
how she said it) I would be given away to the Roadsmen.
No one
really knew what the Roadsmen did with you when they got you – some kid
in class said they made you dress as a midget and work in circuses. Me
and Buzz didn’t think that would be such a bad way to spend your time.
“I’m going up to the top of Driftward Plains and getting my hooch back,“ shouted Buzz. Boy, was he in a grumpy mood.
I said
I’d go with him, I couldn’t let my best pal face the Roadsmen on his
own. And anyway I was real curious about what they looked like.
after Buzz made his Tuesday night delivery, we headed up to Driftward
Plains on a bicycle that he borrowed from the rear of The House. I’m
sure I had seen the bike before and that it belonged to the Sheriff, but
I couldn’t be certain.
pushed, or it might be more correct to say, I pushed the bicycle most of
the way up Deadman’s Gully. Buzz kept reminding me that he owed it to
folks to look his best and that pushing a bike really didn’t help.
“Shh,” he whispered at the lip of the hill. We both crawled to the edge and looked over.
“See the lights?” asked Buzz. “That’s them.”
“How do you know?” I said.
“’Cause who else would be up here?” asked my pal.
“Us,” I said, but I was ignored.
They were all sitting around a big roaring fire when we jumped out on them or rather Buzz did.
“Woooo!” he shouted but it just sounded real lame like.
six of the Roadsmen that were sitting around the fire just looked up and
then back at the fire. I don’t think they were too impressed.
“I want my hooch back,” Buzz shouted and then he did a funny dance. Not funny as in comic, funny as in he should get locked up.
“Sit and join us,” said one of the guys who must have been over a hundred years old, maybe two hundred.
seemed a nice bunch of guys and long, long ago when they were our age
they’d come up to meet the Roadsmen but they never had.
just kept missing them,” said the two hundred year old man.”Then we just
kept coming up here. Now some of us are alone, some of us are in homes
and some of us ain’t got long. We just drive up here is Ken’s old jalopy
and watch the sun going down and up again.”
“So you didn’t take my hooch?” said Buzz.
We sat
there with those guys until dawn just flappin’ our gums and talking
about life. Me and Buzz decided that when we got older, we’d meet up on
the top of Driftward Plains.
Buzz got back home he found his Ma had taken his packages in to the
house ‘cause next door’s dog kept trying to pee on them.
for Buzz discovering about money, well I’m kind-a sleepy right this
minute. I guess it would be all right if I tell you that story another
Keep a watch out for the Roadsmen, unless you like getting shot outta cannon in a circus.
11. The Alien Abduction
got the cops to call me instead of his Ma. She had said if he was
arrested one more time that he would have to sleep in the town dump
‘cause she was washing her hands of him. Buzz knew she’d never do that
but still - he didn’t want to take the chance, so I get woken by a call a
3.22 in the morning. I kid you not.
The cop at the desk looks at me as if I’m just as stupid as Buzz.
“He’s in the back and I think you know where to go.”
truth is, I did know where to go – over the years, me and Buzz both had
cooling off time in the room at the back. It was never for anything
serious but then that’s what happens in small towns, the cops throw you
in the back room to keep you out of the road of your Ma and Pa.
face was deep purple, I mean deep grape purple by the time I got to the
room and there was some cowboy counting: ‘1001’..‘1002’...’1003’.... I
need to tell you at this point that Buzz was hand-standing against the
wall and he was betting with the other kids in the jail that he could
stay up the longest.
ten seconds and you’re the champion of Duchess County jail,” shouted
the cowboy. Who would have thought then - that that would be the exact
second when Buzz passed out? I mean he just lay there all dead to the
world. I looked at the cowboy who looked at the other kids in the cell
he’d been betting with.
“Act of God,” called the cowboy.
“What cha sayin’?” said the skinny little kid with bad skin.
“I’m sayin’, it’s an act of God.”
“And?” asked the mean kid with the tattoos. “And I want you to think real careful before you answer.”
the mean kid punched his palm with his fist followed by a real evil
I always wondered were these kids born with evil mean smiles or
did they practice hard at it?
Buzz was coming around to opening his eyes as the cowboy was handing back the green stuff to the other kids.
By the
time Buzz could stand, the rest of the kids had been released. He stuck
his arm around my neck and I carried him out of the cop store.
didn’t want to go home, not yet, leastways not until he got a story
together that his Maw would believe. She was like the secret police or
somethin’, I mean that woman could smell a lie at spittin’ distance with
her eyes closed – and boy did Buzz’s Maw know how to spit. When she was
younger, she’d been the Tri-county spittin’ Champion. There were cups
on her smoking table and she was real proud of them.
birthday party whether she was asked or not, she would chew some baccy
then spit the whole caboodle across the room into a vase which was
always sat next to her Grandma’s urn.
back wall had brown stains where she’d been practisin’. When she got the
baccy in the vase she’d give a chuckle then spit the rest of her goo
into the fire, and after it sizzled she’d declare it the best birthday
party ever.
You can kinda see where Buzz got his craziness from.
But I’m floatin’ away from the story here – so where were we? Oh, yeh, so Buzz comes back to my place and I asks him:
“What was you in for this time?”
“It’s a long story,” he says to me. It always is.
So I
sit down knowin’ I’m gonna regret askin’ but I can’t help myself but
before I can ask him for more, he’s already started the story...
“You remember, Becky Weiss?” asks Buzz.
I think I do but I ain’t sure, so I just kinda shrug my shoulder.
“Yeh, you do. She was the red headed kid who claimed she’d been abducted by aliens.”
Then I
remembered that Becky Weiss. She got pregnant at 15 and told everyone
the father was a creature from Saturn who took her against her will in
the middle of the night. When the kid was born it was the spittin’ image
of Frank Dunbar from the farm down by the lake, I think her story kinda
fell apart at that point.
got 5 kids now, claims the man from Saturn visits her every full moon
and every year she gets pregnant. Well I met her tonight and guess what,
she was askin’ ‘bout you.”
“Me?” Jeez until five minutes ago I could even remember who Becky Weiss was.
“Yeh, she asked what had happened to my cute bud.”
The blood shot straight through the top of my head.
“She didn’t?”
too. Anyhoo, that ain’t the story. When I first see her, she’s carrying
some groceries and they spill over onto the sidewalk. So I stop and I
help a lady in distress. Then I sees who it is, well I saw that tattoo
of Jimmy Carter on the back of her neck first and I knew it was her.”
“Becky?” I said.
“Buzz? Is that really you?”
Buzz tells me that he and Becky got quickly to talking ‘bout things and
what had happened to her since her first alien abduction; nothing much,
apparently, ‘cept for the other alien abductions. You gotta wonder if
Becky was a prize in some lottery for aliens? I mean, these space
creatures travel way across the Milky Way just to meet Becky Weiss?
Yep, it’s got me puzzlin’ as well, bro’. I ain’t questionin’ anythin’, just wonderin’ that’s all.
“So we’re talking and there’s nothin’ else you understand, just talking,” says Buzz.
“I hear ya,” I say.
“Then there’s a knocking on the window of Becky’s place.”
“So what?” I ask.
“She says that it might be the alien comin’ a callin’. Now I don’t know about you but I ain’t one to be abducted by no alien.”
“So what did you do?”
Jeez this story was starting to get excitin’, ‘though I’d never tell Buzz that.
“Well I just punched the alien straight in the face, no whys or wherefores, you understand don’t cha?”
I nodded my head that I did but I don’t think I really did.
“So....,” and I knew I was gonna regret asking, “what happened next?”
Buzz got real upset and said that the alien had called the cops because
of the fact that the spaceman had been hit straight in his antenna.
“I didn’t know aliens could call the cops,” I said, genuinely.
And apparently neither did Buzz.
here’s the thing, it was only years later when I was attending the
funeral of Becky Andrews (once known as Becky Weiss) that I found out
that some of the boys of the town used to dress up as aliens to have
their own sweet way with Becky. You hear what I’m sayin’, don’t cha?
Just so’s you know, Buzz told his Ma he’d fallen asleep at my place and she seemed happy with that.
12. Elvis
Buzz’s Ma would swear on a stack of
Bibles that she knew Elvis Presley for real. Perhaps it would take a
sarsaparilla or two but soon she’d been tellin’ everyone how she and
Elvis were as close as anyone could be.
during one of her stories she’d just stop, look far away as if she was
remembering something, have a chuckle to herself and then continue with
the story.
I’d have given a week’s wages to know what she was thinking right there and then.
you’ve been reading these little stories about me and Buzz, well you
won’t need to walk too far to get to where I’m going with this one: yep,
with all the talk Buzz decided that he was the love child of Elvis and
his Ma.
“It makes sense. What with my good looks and talent and all. It’s the only explanation.”
I ain’t gonna rain on Buzz’s story and say he ain’t Elvis’ kid because
nothin’ would surprise me about Buzz and his family, all I’m sayin’ is
that you gotta take things like that - real careful, otherwise you get
in a whole heap of trouble.
when I was walking along Main Street with him, he’d just stop,
sneer then give out a ‘Uh-huh’ Elvis style followed by a ‘Thank you,
you’ve been a wonderful audience, you really have’, which was followed
by another sneer. Then he would just continue talking as if the last two
minutes hadn’t happened.
decided that he would make some money from his birthright by touring
the county as ‘The Son of Elvis’ . Two things were real wrong with this –
for a start, Buzz can’t sing ,note a note, not even if a Colt 45 was
pointed at where his brain is supposed to live, and the other thing is,
no one in the county wanted to annoy Elvis’ family (or more accurately
get sued).
One day, he asked if I would be his Colonel Tom Parker and manage him.
“For what?”
pee-forming,” he said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world
for him. “People need to know that there is a new, younger Elvis out
I swear, I didn’t say I would and I didn’t say I wouldn’t - but some
people take sayin’ nothin’ as if you’ve said you would. Next thing I
know Buzz is tellin’ everyone in town that I’m his new hotshot manager
and that I’m gonna make him a rock n’ roll star.
“Only a matter of time,” he’d say. “What with your brains and my good looks and talent, not to mention my daddy being....”
learned to shut up about Elvis, just in case they took Buzz off to
jail. Okay maybe it was me that said he’d go to prison if he kept
claimin’ he was the son of Elvis but sometimes, I swear you gotta be
cruel to be kind.
it didn’t really stop Buzz. He’d sit talking to strangers and say to
them that he couldn’t really tell them who his daddy was, then he’d put
his fingers to his lips , say ‘shh’, sneer, and then he’d do that awful
Elvis impersonation.
ain’t too sure that folks knew it was Elvis he was trying to
impersonate, ‘cause I remember a couple walking away from Buzz and under
his breath the man told his wife that Buzz was claiming to be the son
of Bugs Bunny. Now that might not be too far from the truth, I tell ya.
weekends, Buzz used to work as a bag boy at Winslow’s Grocery Store,
the one that stands at the bottom of Creek Lane. He didn’t bag up like
any normal person, oh no, what Buzz used to do was put everything in the
bag while he stood in an Elvis pose: one knee bent , foot up with his
toes touching the floor, and everything was placed in the bag with a
full swing of the arm.
he’d finished, he’d say ‘I thank you, my name is Buzz Presley and I’ll
be here all week’. It used to scare some folks while it made others
smile. Mrs Dalton gave him ten bucks ‘cause she thought he was touched.
Her generation thought that a lot of people were touched. Hey, they
might be right.
be real honest, Mr Winslow was real pleased with Buzz and his packing
‘cause of the amount of extra folks that came for their groceries to his
store. They all wanted their bags packed by the ‘crazy guy’. Annie
Black who had packed bags at the store since the war used to spend
her time just watching everyone queue up to get Buzz to do the packing.
Mr Winslow let her go the second week in February.
Just before Easter, I heard tell from the Reverend about some Elvis show that was taking place two counties over.
know, I don’t approve of rock and rolly music,” said the Reverend. He
always called it ‘rock and rolly’. “But it would be right and good if
someone from this county went over there and whipped their asses.”
was thinking that Reverends shouldn’t really talk like that but he did
have a point. I just wasn’t sure if Buzz was the man to do it – that’s
“Where do I sign?” Asked Buzz when I told him.
“Don’t worry Buzz, I’ll take care of that, but what are you gonna sing?” I asked.
a song that my Daddy wrote for me,” said Buzz then went into a song
that may or may not have been an Elvis song (or even just a song).
filled out the form for him on account of the fact that Buzz was in
hospital with something or other when Mrs Telford was teaching us all
about writing and stuff.
“Buzz Presley”
tried to talk him out of it, but he wasn’t having it and anyhoo maybe
they wouldn’t put two and two together and make five, like Buzz had.
“Change that, I want Buzz Aaron Presley.”
“You can’t.”
“Can too.”
So that was what I put down on the entry form and just kept my fingers crossed that we wouldn’t get into trouble.
and Buzz hitched over to Ridge County with Buzz dressed as Elvis (like
if Elvis had fallen out of an aeroplane). The last bus we caught from
Hollington was almost full of Elvis impersonators and their carers.
loved it, he was jumping from seat to seat, talkin’ and singin’ (kinda)
with other hopefuls and some had stories to tell about Elvis. One or
two had seen him drive past them, others had heard him singin’ but
mostly these folks on the bus were just out for a good time and they
didn’t care who knew about it.
we got into town there must have been about a couple of hundred
Elvises, I kid you not: big ones, fat ones, skinny ones, girls dressed
(and ladies) as the King. They way I looked at it, what harm were any of
them doing?
following day the contest started at noon and it sure was a long time
of Elvis this and Elvis that - all dressed with the best of clothes.
Then Buzz came up onstage, and the announcer said that this singer was
all the way from Duchess County and his name was Buzz Aaron Presley.
would have been okay if Buzz had mimed to the record, like we
practiced, but he decided to do an introduction – how many times can you
say to someone that there should be no introduction? – Anyway he told
the crowd exactly what I knew he was gonna say.
“I am the truly begotten son of Elvis Aaron Presley.”
I kid you not, that’s the way he said it alright, ‘the truly begotten
son’ – what the h..., did that mean? There was a silence in the crowd as
everyone’s jaws fell. Man, you could have heard a prison break twenty
miles away. Then some kid at the back of the crowd shouted ‘I’m his son,
“No you ain’t,” shouts Buzz.
“Sure am,” hollers back this kid.
“My Ma was real close to Elvis,” shouts Buzz.
“Well my Ma was Elvis.”
what the weird kid at the back shouted. Everyone turned to look at him,
then someone shouted ‘get him’ and the folks started chasing him. I
took this opportunity to grab Buzz off the stage and force him to head
for the bus station.
we got back, Buzz Ma apologised and said she’d made a mistake it wasn’t
Elvis Presley that she had been close to but Bob Hope.
Right there and then I could see a little light going on in Buzz’s head.
13. Lyin'
was a time back then, a long time after Buzz’s pappy had left for
somewhere down south, that Buzz took to lyin’ to make himself feel
better. Well maybe not lyin’ exactly, more exaggeratin’ usin’ stories
that weren’t the whole truth and nothin’ but the truth.
mean, I knew his pappy was long gone but I heard Buzz tellin’ the new
teacher – the one with the crooked eye - that Buzz’s pappy was away
being King of England. It was a story that probably made my buddy feel a
little better and that’s all that matters.
teacher kinda smiled at him, as if Buzz was the class idiot (which
sometimes he was) and then told him she’d hear all about it later and
that perhaps Buzz could take his seat, ‘If his majesty feels like it,
that is’. You see Buzz had forgotten that if his pappy was the King then
that made him the Prince.
“It does?” he said in a real high voice. “It does,” he said again in a real butch low voice.
sure did and he spent that summer askin’ folks to call him the Prince.
Not everyone took kindly to that - one day when I was in Marty’s
Barbers, I heard one of the new guys sayin’ ‘There goes the Prince of
Fools’ and when I look out the window to see what he’s talkin’ about,
all I could see was Buzz crossin’ the street.
Buzz and his exaggeratin’ could get a little out of control. Like the
time, one July, a man from the Centerville Times came over to our town
to look for ukulele players for some competition in the newspaper. Buzz
wasn’t interested until he heard that the prize was fifty bucks. I
think Buzz thought the money would get him to find his paw and bring him
home, on account that his maw spent most nights crying through the wall
of their home.
right up here, ladies and gents and sign up for the most prestigious
prize this side of Two Forks River. Step right up. Here’s a fine
gentleman ready to put his John Hancock on the paper.”
I look up, I’m already too late ‘cause Buzz has put his signature on
the competition entry. I tried to grab the pen off of him but he just
looked at me and said that I owed the man one buck entry fee on account
that his pockets were empty. Apparently royal people, like princes,
don’t carry money. Now, I did not know that.
“You can’t play the ukulele, “ I reminded Buzz, later.
“It’s two weeks to the competition. I can learn it, in that time.
Anyway, what’s got into your breeches?”
I was being a bit stupid and that Buzz could learn to play the ukulele
in fourteen days. There was probably a book somewhere called ‘Play The
Ukulele in Two Weeks’. A buck fifty on the book and a big load of money
in return.
Except there weren’t no book, Buzz had no intention of learnin’.
“Why would I want to learn the banjo?” Asked Buzz
I reminded him it wasn’t a banjo but the ukulele.
that?” He asked me, and right then was the point that I gave up on my
friend. I ain’t proud of it, but I thought there goes my buck down the
river. I ain’t goin’ to see that again.
“What’s grittin’ your panties?” Asked Buzz who could see I was a bit disconcerted.
“You ain’t gonna win the money Buzz on account that you don’t know what a ukulele is.”
“Is it a quiz? I don’t think so. I ain’t goin’ to play the thing.”
“You ain’t?” I said wonderin’ what was comin’ next.
“No, I ain’t. Becky Smallhousen is going to play the thing.”
I can hear you thinkin’, just like I’m thinkin’ at this point, just
exactly who is Becky Smallhousen and how is she gonna play the ukulele
and make folks think it’s Buzz?
Buzz told me the plan, I actually thought that it might work. What he
hadn’t bargained on was Becky Smallhousen hittin’ a load of poison Ivy
on the mornin’ of the competition and her head blowin’ up to three times
its normal size. At least that’s what Buzz said.
was meant to hide in a bush behind Buzz and when he stamped his foot
three times she would start playin’ the ukulele while Buzz pretended to
strum her old one. So they got to practisin’ and Becky happened to hide
in the only bush that contained poison Ivy for miles around.
“I ain’t doing it,” I said to Buzz when he said he’d share the prize money with me.
“All you need to do is hide in the bush and play the thing, just like Becky.”
“I can’t play the ukulele,” I told Buzz.
not askin’ you to, I’m askin’ you to play the banjo,” said Buzz still
confused as to what stringed instrument he was meant to be playin’.
that was the plan, I would hide in the bush and attempt to play the
ukulele while Buzz stood out front. I say it was a plan – ‘cause that
was until Buzz bumped into the Smith Twins who could play any kinda
instrument. There was a story that they could blow air up any animals’
be-hind and get a tune from it.
There was also the fact that the Smith Twins would accept only five bucks from the prize money - they undercut me.
started real good, The man from the Centerville Times introduced Prince
Buzz, son of the King of England. Buzz stamped his feet and a beautiful
ukulele tune came from what seemed like Buzz. The trouble was that as
one twin played the ukulele the other twin couldn’t resist joinin’ in on
the spoons and it kinda gave the game away.
I mean you can say what you like about Prince Buzz - but playin’ a ukulele and the spoons at the same time ain’t one of them.
The Centerville Times ran a big story on the competition.
Royal man caught cheating it read.
Buzz was famous in three counties for a few days. And me? Well I never did get my buck back.
14. Skinny Dippin'
can you say about your bestest pal in this whole wide world, when he
gets arrested for being nake-it in the middle of town? ‘Not much’, is
what the judge said.
were standing there, in front of the preacher and his good wife,
nake-it as the day you were born. What have you got to say for
was thinking that because of his natural good looks and the ‘great body
he’d been given by God’, that the sight of his nake-it-ness probably
overwhelmed the townsfolk.
“I guess I’m just too damn pretty to be walkin’ about with no britches on.”
that did it, the judge said that Buzz was to knock every door in town
and apologize for standin’ in front of them like the day he was born.
or two of them said they had missed the whole darn thing and could Buzz
step inside to their homes and stand nake-it for them so that they
could be just as upset as the rest of the townsfolk. The stupid thing
is, I think Buzz did it.
see, the summer that Buzz wanted to start Skinny-dippin’ just happened
to be the summer when all the creeks dried up. Sometimes Buzz can be a
truly crazy person and maybe, just maybe, he had chosen that summer so
he could complain about the bone-dry creeks. It’s what he does.
there weren’t no water in the creeks to go skinny dippin’, so that was
when Buzz suggested that we might use the water tower which stood next
to Mrs McGonigal’s Eatin’ Room and Entertainments. I asked the grown ups
what kinda ‘entertainment’ that Mrs McGonigal laid on but they always
changed the subject and one time, the preacher nearly choked on his
biscuits and gravy. So I stopped askin’.
water tower was higher than the church clock – so you can see it was
pretty high and you had to climb up a real shaky ladder. Buzz suggested
on the mornin’ of one extra hot day that we should get up real early and
climb the tower, that way no one would see us and we could stay up
there all day. The Sheriff had said it was agin’ the law to go swimmin’
in the tower on account that it was the water that folks used for
drinkin’ and such and also because Cross-Eyed Larry had pee’d in it one
we did what Buzz said and sneaked up the ladder real early. It was real
hot, so that the water didn’t cool us down that much - but boy it was
fun, especially being nake-it and all.
the tower there was a small ledge and if you crawled up to it, you
could jump and dive and do just about everything into the water. Back
flips and front flips and such.
course we couldn’t come down until it got dark, so I guess me and Buzz
did pee in the water, now and again’. I’m just sayin’, is all.
in the afternoon we could hear a band coming down the street,
apparently the preacher’s wife had organized a parade for her son,
‘cause he’d memorized the whole of the Good Book or somethin’. I ain’t
critizing but a whole parade. I mean.
me and Buzz decided to jump from the ledge together and somehow we hit
the bottom of the water tower real hard and kinda went through the
tower. And where we’d made holes, well the water kinda started leaking
through, and we could hear the screams from those getting wet below us.
I looked at Buzz and he looked at me and that was the last thing we did
before we both fell through the tower and landed nake-it right in front
of the townsfolk. Buzz managed to land on top of the preacher’s boy
which had the preachers wife shoutin’ and hollerin’ about how these
nake-it boys had killed her beautiful son.
You’re saying, I suppose, that I forgot to mention about me being nake-it and all - and what happened to me, exactly?
I told the preacher that I had been trying to baptize Buzz on account
of his bad ways an’ all, and that with the creeks being dry, the water
tower was the only place to do it – don’t ask me where that all came
from – I ain’t got a clue. Anyhoo, for some reason they let me go and
decided that Buzz was the guilty one.
Go figure.
15. Madman
That day started
like any other Saturday.
My Grandma was
washin’ the back of my neck with all my family lookin’ on. When she got into
rubbin’ real hard I would turn my neck a little so that I could see out the
window. That morning was just like any other, Jake Van De Berghe was getting
chased up Main Street by another angry husband. You’d have thought he’d have
run out of married ladies by now.
When my Grandma let my ears go, I met Buzz
down at the corner of Lincoln Street.
Buzz was holdin’
something, which turned out to be his Maw’s curtains from her best room – it
was called the ‘best room’ ‘cause Buzz wasn’t allowed anywhere near it. No
Apparently Buzz had
to get the curtains back home before his Maw returned from Johnstown at
sundown, or Buzz’s Maw would skin him like a desert rat. Now I know he ain’t
tellin’ the whole truth ‘cause he’s used them curtains before and his Maw
didn’t even see they were missin’.
Buzz had
found a book with superheroes in it and that was what we were gonna be, this
here Saturday.
I gotta say, at
first, I kinda felt stupid with the cape around my neck but it started to feel
good and I could see what Buzz was up talkin’ about.
We were just about
to begin fightin’ crime when all of a sudden Jake Van De Berghe comes rushin’
around the corner and shoved me and Buzz into the Ice Cream & Sarsaparilla
The minute we were
through the doors, Jake shouts,
“Help me boys, keep
this mad man out.” And by madman he means a mad husband – but like I say, it was
just another Saturday in town.
I hear tell that Jake has a wife of his own but
that she don’t mind if he runs after other women on account that he really
annoys her and has bad breath. Least ways that’s what Becky told me in school.
So there’s me, Buzz
and Jake trying to hold the madman from breaking down the door.
Every time he
charges at the door, we move forward some and then we’d push back and then it
starts all over again.
Crazy Eddie, who ran
the café, was getting real worried about a madman getting’ loose in a
Sarsaparilla store, and so he helped hold the door, too.
For a moment it all
went real quiet and Jake was about to say that the madman had probably given
up, when I turn my neck the way I do and look out of the window to see that the
madman has gone all the way across the street to the Chip and Shoulder hardware
I was just about to
tell them that the madman was gonna take the longest run ever in the whole
world when the he burst through the door throwing me, Jake, Crazy Eddie and
Buzz out of the way and got his head well and truly stuck in the Raspberry
Ripple Ice Cream machine.
"I’m tuck,” was all
the madman could holler.
“I’m really, really,
really tuck.”
“I think he means
he’s stuck,” said Crazy Eddie.
“Tat’s what I said,”
hollered the Raspberry Ripple madman.
Buzz threw his cape
around his back and decided it was the right time that me and him were
I pulled the man’s
left leg and Buzz pulled the man’s right one.
“Tat hurts.”
“Sorry,” I shouted.
“Wot?” The madman
hollered back.
It was no use, the
man’s head wasn’t going anywhere and he was complainin’ that he was getting
brain freeze.
Don’t you just hate it when that happens?
“There’s nothing for
it, I’ll need to call Stupid Larry,” Crazy Eddie said sadly, ‘cause apparently
Stupid Larry wasn’t the cheapest in town, but he was sure good at getting’
people out of holes. When Buzz’s Maw fell down that Main Street drain and got
stuck good, Stupid Larry got her out of there in two shakes of a lambs tail,
although he did charge her fifty bucks.
When Stupid Larry
saw the madman’s predicament, he looked at it one way, “Mmmm,” he said. Then he
looked at it another way “Ohhh,” he said, shakin’ his head. Then he kinda
crawled around in on all fours, “tut,tut,” he said. Now some of the less kind
folks in town used to say that all this walking around the problem wasn’t
exactly necessary and it was only to make you think that Stupid Larry was
givin’ you your money’s worth.
“Nope, we’re going
to have to get him back to my workshop and cut him out.”
So Stupid Larry
unhooked and unscrewed the ice cream machine with more show than a magician, I
kid you not. Once we’d bumped it down the stairs, Jake and Crazy Eddie pushed
it up the street, with me holding one leg and Buzz the other. Stupid Larry ran
ahead to get his workshop all fired up.
When we were just
passing the courthouse, the wife of the madman came over to Jake and asked him
how he was doing and had he seen her husband.
She didn’t think to ask about the
pair of legs that were sticking out of the ice cream machine. Jake said, he
couldn’t help her and he was sorry but he was real busy and if she didn’t mind
they’d like to be off real quick. Kinda trying to pretend that he didn’t really
know her and all.
When Stupid Larry
started using the torch to cut open the machine, Crazy Eddie kept saying “This
is gonna cost you, mark my words, cost ya good,” to Jake.
To be honest I don’t
think that kinda talk helps much.
Anways, when Stupid
Larry got the bottom off the machine, the madman’s face was frozen stiff, I kid
you not.
Buzz was sure that
the madman was dead, but Crazy Eddie gave the madman the kiss of life by
blowing into his mouth. He said it wasn’t the first time that someone had got
stuck in his machines, last time it was the pineapple caramel.
Crazy Eddie also
said that the Rasberry Ripple did taste real good even if it was on another
man’s lips.
The next time I saw
the madman he was sitting in church with his wife and his face was Raspberry
Ripple Red.
The curtains were a
real mess, so Buzz told his Maw that someone must have broken into the house
and stolen them.
She believed him.
16. The Thing
I don’t know when Buzz
noticed the thing on the end of his nose. I had seen it that morning but didn’t
want to tell my pal on account that he thought he was the best lookin’ guy
walkin’ on the face of this, here, Earth. I kid you not. So when Becky Walters
said in her usual way,
“You got a big zit on the
end of your nose, Buzz,” he kinda took it real bad, which makes me think he
didn’t know it was there. I’m thinking how could he have missed it, I mean that
thing was so big, it had it’s own gravitational system.
Buzz said nuthin’ and walked
off home. Becky Walters looked real pleased with herself and said, “Did I say
somethin’ wrong?”. Becky knew she’d said somethin’ wrong, I mean that’s all she
was good at, on account of her Mom tellin’ everyone in town that her Becky was
a Princess and all.
The next morning, I see Buzz
- well I didn’t actually see him, but I knew it was Buzz ‘cause he was wearin’
the same jeans and shoes as yesterday. He had a big brown paper bag over his
head and two holes cut out for eyes so he didn’t get hit by cars.
I kinda thought the brown
paper bag might look even weirder than a big thing on the end of your nose, but
I wasn’t so sure of that fact that I could tell Buzz to go naked in the head
department. Apparently Buzz’s Maw had tried to fix the zit by stickin’ a needle
in it and it had made it worse. Buzz’s Maw wasn’t real good at doctor stuff but
it didn’t stop her makin’ up her own cures for everythin’.
When Buzz had a fever, she
had made him lie down in a darkroom with a brick on his head. Apparently it was
a cure that had been passed down thru the family. I’m thinkin’ craziness was
the only thing that was passed down in that family.
Buzz told me to go round the
corner where there weren’t no people to see his nose and he lifted the bag to
show me what was happenin’ under there.
“Wow!” Was all I said.
Buzz wanted to know if that
was a good ‘wow’ and I told him it was, but I had to cross my legs on account
that I thought I’d pee myself, ‘cause I wanted to laugh so bad. Buzz had a
tomato on the end of his nose – I mean, a big red bright tomato. No kiddin’.
We kinda tried to pretend
everythin’ was all right and neither Buzz nor me mentioned the paper bag. Some
folks would shout at Buzz callin’ him names and stuff, but the bag was so thick
that Buzz couldn’t hear nuthin’.
I decided since Buzz was my bested
friend in the whole wide world I would wear a bag on my head as well. It was
kinda cool.
Buzz’ Maw kept trying her
medicine on his nose and every day he’d show me it and it wasn’t getting’ any
better. I wondered if his nose might not eventually fall off, but I didn’t want
to tell my pal on account that it ain’t somethin’ you want to tell a buddy.
One mornin’ Becky Walters
was standin’ on the corner being a princess when she spotted Buzz and me and our paper bags and I’m thinkin’
she’s gonna pee herself - but she didn’t.
“Why don’t ya paint a face
on your bags,” she said and know what? I thought that was a great idea, too.
So Buzz and me went off to
paint our bag faces but like everythin’ with Buzz it wasn’t straightforward.
Next time I see him he’s dressed as a clown. Yep a big clown with big shoes and
a white face and a big nose; I mean it was his own nose but it suited the clown
face, I kid you not.
I thought the bag had been
all right but I wasn’t following my pal down the clown face road.
It had been his Maw’s idea -
she had thought why not just paint a face on her boy and be done with it, and
maybe she had a point. At school I could see the teacher kinda lookin’ at him
and shakin’ her head but she didn’t say nuthin’. She just went off and got all
the other teachers in school to come to our class. And they all left, crossin’
their legs like they were gonna pee themselves, too.
Buzz’s Maw got arrested on
the Friday for trying to cure the Sheriff’s daughter of her hiccups by making
her stand on top of an auto-mobile. The Sheriff said she was just plain crazy and
slung her in jail until the following Monday. The good thing about this was it
let Buzz’s nose get a rest from his Maw and so it started to get better. By
Monday, Buzz was ready to face the rest of town - just the way God had made him
- and he went up to Becky Walters and gave her a big kiss, right there, on her
kinda giggled and swooned and I knew my Buzz was gonna be all right.
17. The Great Eastern
Buzz had been on this Earth
just thirteen summers when he suffered from what was the first of his many
mid-life crises.
Actually what had happened
was that Crazy Billy had told Buzz that he was too tall for a ride at the
September Fair. Buzz thought that Crazy Billy was talkin’ real crazy like and
decided that he was gonna get on the Great Eastern if it was that last thing
that he did, so help him – Now let me
tell you here and now, The Great Eastern was “a ride for the little folks under
5 feet tall”.
Buzz was 5 feet and a
quarter inch, if he was a day. Buzz tried to say that he was only 5 feet when
he left home that mornin’ but had grown thanks to the sunshine and the heat.
Buzz said it was well known that the heat from the sun made you grow and at
night folks would shrink again. I don’t anyone else who knew that, but Buzz
said it was a fact as his Grandpa had told him just before they threw him in
prison for selling his body hair to Chinese people. Least ways that’s what Buzz
said it was, I heard that his Grandpa had been stealing knives and forks from
Susie’s Diner.
That night Buzz and me had
to sneak out to the Fairground at the dead of night. Boy it was as dark, I mean
as dark as the Brownies that my Aunt Sadie used to make for passing gentlemen
of the road.
Buzz had me dig several of
inches of dirt away from the path leading up to the Great Eastern, which would
mean in the morning when he stood in line, he’d be able to walk under the ‘no
taller than this’ sign which had stopped my pal gettin’ on the ride in the
first place.
As you know, I had to dig
the dirt as Buzz didn’t want to get his hands all messed up, on account that he
was going to be somethin’ some day and had to be ready for the good times.
Buzz tested the walk in the
dark and it worked a treat. So the next morning, Buzz stood in line and got to
ride on the Great Eastern. But the guy behind him, Jake, was five feet three
inches and he got on the ride too. Which is why Jake was too tall when the ride
went under the Black Mountain and he hit his head on top of it. He didn’t knock
himself out, instead he dragged the Black Mountain around the rail with him,
which then hit the Red Hot Volcano – so by the time that Jake got back to the
start, he had the whole Great Eastern ride hanging around his neck.
Buzz thought it was time
that we made ourselves scarce and he jumped from the ride, grabbed me and we
ran real quick up to the top of Sneak Hill which overlooked the Fair.
there was trouble and yet no one ever worked out how Jake had managed to get
himself on to the ride in the first place. Only me and my pal Buzz knew the
truth. Buzz who was already startin’ to shrink again on account that it was
getting dark.
18. Soccer
One of the other times that
Buzz had a mid-life crisis was that summer when his first hair grew out of his
chin. You would have thought that he was Fu Man Choo or somethin’.
He’s tellin’ me he ain’t
decided if he’s gonna let it grow into a full beard, or trim it using his Paw’s
old razor. The one his Paw left him before he ran away with the dancer.
“Now that I’m grown and a
man,” that’s what he said to me, with a straight face - a face with one hair
growin’ out of it.
“Now that I’m a man, I’m
gonna look after my Maw. Keep her good, in her old age.”
Well you know me and peeing
myself, I had to run behind a bush before I wet ma pants good.
What he was tellin’ me, was
that he was ready for a career as a matinee idol – that’s his very words and
I’m not sure if Buzz knew what they meant.
So the time had come that he’d
have to look after his face on account it was gonna be his main source of
income. He said he wasn’t sure if it was fair to let a face like that be blown
up big in a movie theater ‘cause
everyone would pass out.
Of course when he’s tellin’
me this I’m still behind the bush just in case I need to go again, real fast.
That was why Buzz had a
mid-life crisis over the weekend and decided he was too old and too pretty to
play football at school and that was when Mr Fairbanks, suggested he should
join the school soccer team, instead.
“It’ll save your good-lookin’
face, Buzz,” said Mr Fairbanks, who then nudged another teacher and they both
walked off as if they were gonna pee themselves too.
Of course just playin’
soccer wasn’t good enough for Buzz, he had to be a
‘strike……er’ – now, the
reason I’ve said it that way is because that’s the way that Buzz said it. I
thought I could hear a funny accent in there but I assumed Buzz was practisin’
for his movies.
I didn’t see Buzz until two
days later and by then he was talkin’ real funny like. I’m thinkin’ to myself,
I’ve heard this funny talk before and sure enough I remember – right in the
middle of the night, I shout out, ‘Mary Poppins’. Buzz sounded like Dick Van Dyke
in that movie.
Buzz has decided that if
he’s gonna be any good at soccer he had to talk with an English accent. Since
Buzz ain’t ever heard one except in movies and stuff, I’ve got to say he wasn’t
that good.
When our teacher said ‘Good
mornin’ class’, instead of sayin’ good morning back, Buzz said, ‘All right,
Guvner and a fine mornin’ it be’.
I didn’t know whether to
just give up and pee myself there and then or run to the restroom.
“Shall I see you, little
urchin at dinner time as I’m looking forward to me pie and chips, guvnor.” That’s
what he said to me with his one hair chinned face.
“I’m playin’ me soccer game
this afternoon, me old mate. Will you be comin’ to see me?”
They had to take me to the
nurse’s room - I kid you not - as I had gone into hysterical collapse, least
ways that’s what the doctor said. Apparently I had had a real bad shock.
Buzz never ever got a game
of soccer, they picked Alexander as the striker and she was a girl.
“Stupid game,” said Buzz - all
American, like.
19. Soda
I guess it all seems kinda
obvious now knowin’ what Buzz was gonna become - but back then, we didn’t have
no idea, I kid you not.
When Buzz told me that as a
good lookin’ kid it was probably beholdin’ to him to run for office. I was
thinkin’ that Buzz had surely gone a bit crazy like. But then I was always
thinkin’ things like that about my best pal.
“I’m considerin’ runnin’ for
Class President,” he said without any warnin’ and which accounted for the
fact that I dropped my cola.
“And you is gonna be my
manager,” he said slappin’ me on the back as it it was an honour.
Now I ain’t sure what a
‘crazy-kid-runnin’-for-president’ manager did exactly but I knew I’d probably
find out real quick and it would probably mean a lot of work.
On the way back home from
school, Buzz started to kiss mothers and their babies. One or two of them were
takin’ by surprise but most of them tried to chase him away. One hit him with
her umbrella and said she was hollerin’ for Sheriff McDonald, oh thank you
Jesus. Well that’s what she said.
By the time Buzz got home,
his Mom had a line of people around complain’ that her son was a baby-kissin’
idiot. I guess that being a manager might be harder than I thought.
When we got back to school
the next mornin’, I thought I was talkin’ to Buzz but I found I was talkin’ to
myself and that Buzz was standin’ on an old wooden crate and was tellin’ folks
to gather round as he had somethin’ important to tell them. When the folks
found out that it wasn’t a party most of them just skedaddled.
“My fellow Americans, “ he
shouted to the three kids who were left and then he went on about when he was
class president he would make sure that everyone got free soda. When Amy, who
was seven years of age, asked him how. He said he’d get back to her on that
point and she seemed happy enough with that answer. Maybe getting Buzz elected
wasn’t gonna be that difficult after all.
Just before the bell, Buzz
disappeared from class. He just got up and walked out, sayin’ to Teach that he
had important work to do. When the Principal dragged him back about ten minutes
later by his ear, it was because he had gone around all the classes and shook
peoples’ hands even although they were in the middle of lessons. Even as the teachers were throwin’ him outta
class, he still tried to make a speech.
The popular front-runner of
the campaign was Jason Heart, a tall, skinny kid who was tellin’ folks that he
was committed to helpin’ everyone in school and that Buzz should just be plain
committed. Well that kinda talk don’t help anyone, in my book and I told Jason
as much.
It was at our darkest hour
that Buzz’s Maw came up with a plan. Even though she was as broke as a broke
thing, she could still bake and she made cup cakes for everyone in the school
(even three for Big Peggy who liked her cup cakes). Well this blew Jason
Commitment outta the ball park and Buzz was elected by a land slide.
As a celebration, Buzz
suggested that me and him mosey down to the ice-cream parlour and that he’d get
it for free on account of him being President and all. Mister McLuskey was
servin’ that day and he said, that he wasn’t one of Buzz’s ‘Fellow Americans’
thank you very much, and that we was getting’ no free ice cream either - ‘cause
he’d never heard that kinda crazy talk for many a year. So we just left
Buzz only lasted as
President for the rest of the week as he sold his title to Jason for a box of
candy and a copy of Huckleberry Finn.
of them got us any free soda. You just can’t trust politicians.
bobby stevenson 2013
thoughtcontrol ltd
